The 4th International Taoism Forum

TAO Life: the Never Retire Life
For the future of human being in aging society

(The philosophy of Tao Te Ching and learning from Huangdi Neijing and Qian Jin Fang)

Myocho Hayashima
Executive Director, Japan Taoism Association
Grand Master, Nihon Dokan
President, Tao Academy


Chapter 1 Never Retire Life of TAO

1. The rapid aging of modern society

  With Japan as the lead, China and the major countries in the world are entering an aging society at a very rapid speed. (Figure 2 Worldwide Ratio Trends of Aging) 
  The total population of the world in 2015 as announced by the Japanese Cabinet Office is 7,349,470 thousand people. The proportion of age 65 or older to the total population (aging rate) is expected to rise from 5.1% in 1950 to 8.3% in 2015 and further to 18.1% in 2060. Aging rapidly progresses in the latter half of the century from now on.
  In Japan, the number of elderly people reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, September 18, 2016 was 34.61 million, accounting for 27.3% of the total population which is the highest in the history, and in the case of women already over 30%.[3]
  The problem of the aging society is the sense of crisis to the decline of producers due to the decrease in young generation and the rapidly increase of the elderly proportion who are supported by the limited younger generation. (Figure1 Current state of Worldwide Population) If it makes a major premise that people become bedridden, become demented, and loose ability to live by themselves when they are older, the problem is how to support more elderly by less youth, in Japan where the birth rate declined. (Figure 2)

  Many people wish that they would like to take the best care of their family at their homes and see the last with a smile. However, in reality, it is very difficult to care for parents while raising children, on top of their day-to-day work. The next option is to find a good care facility. But it will not be easy financially, and as in Japan where the number of elderly people is increasing, not many people can find the available facilities. In such circumstances, there are not a few people who would reach their mental limits without being able to reveal their suffering to anyone.
  It is really sorry to see the incidents, such as family joint suicides and killing of parents. People who experienced nursing care, and many of those who will have such a time sooner or later would understand the pain and feel sympathy against them. As every case is miserable, it is a critical problem of modern society.


2. The root cause of aging society

  Why is aging proceeding so rapidly? We will look into the data of Japan, while there are many countries facing the similar factors.
  According to the data of the Cabinet Office in FY 2014, the causes of aging are the following two.

  (1) Extension of life expectancy by decreasing mortality rate
  (2) Declining young population due to the declining birth rate

  The first factor is because the mortality rate of infants and young people has decreased greatly due to improvements in living environment, dietary habits, (increase in food production and preservation became possible) and advancement of medical technology. It is also a major factor that the peaceful era without war continued in 71 years since the Second World War. 

3. Seeking for the best solution for aging society

  As it is considered that declining birth rate is the cause of aging, it is desirable to develop an environment that encourages women who are highly educated to having children while working. Indeed it will be one way to create a happy society, but will it solve the issue by itself? Given that the aging is prominent, will this problem be solved by increasing the birthrate and increasing the total population?
  If we see this from the broader view, we will have to ask ourselves the fundamental question; how many people can live on the Earth if we try to keep in harmony with the nature and maintain the balance of Heaven and the Earth?
  If the population continues to increase, the food, water and energy will definitely run short.

  When we think of the future of the Earth, increasing birth rate which cannot avoid the increase of the total population will not solve the problem. We should think of the way how human beings should fit in the harmony of nature. We should not see this situation with the small narrow view of human beings. We have to see and make decision from the perspective of the vast universe, the TAO.

  In addition to the problems of aging society, human beings are facing to the challenges given by the Earth that has been damaged by human beings. We have to learn, accept and discipline ourselves. That is the way to live this time. We are living in the world full of disasters far beyond records, heavy rain and snow, tornado and heating. There are fears of plague that can outbreak all over the world as the developed transportation system. We should not be distracted in such circumstances. It is the time to learn the way of TAO again.

  When looking down the situation from the viewpoint of heaven and nature, what we should do for the aging society can be understood spontaneously. We should return to TAO. TAO was discovered and studied in the ancient China. There were philosophy of Mui-Shizen by Lao-tsu along with the training and health maintenance methods in life. These precious wisdoms of human beings are always fresh. Moreover, as Western medicine and the idea of Western civilization are mainstream of Japan, people might see it innovative.
  It is the time to spread TAO to the world. 

4. Learning Huangdi Neijing (黄帝内経)

It is said in Huangdi Neijing [5];

 黄帝曰、余聞上古有真人者。提挈天地、把握陰陽、呼吸精気、独立守神、肌肉若一。 故能寿敝天地、無有終時。此其道生。
 中古之時、有至人者。淳徳全道、和於陰陽、調於四時、去世離俗、積精全神、 游行天地之間、視聴八達之外。此蓋益其寿命而強者也。亦帰於真人。
 其次有聖人者。処天地之和、従八風之理、適嗜欲於世俗之間、 無恚嗔之心、行不欲離於世。被服章、挙不欲観於俗。外不労形於事、内無思想之患。
 其次有賢人者。法則天地、象似日月、弁列星辰、逆従陰陽、分別四時、 将従上古、合同於道。亦可使益寿而有極時。

  I have heard that in remote antiquity there were Perfected Persons. These people held up Heaven and Earth, had a firm grasp on Yin and Yang, inhaled and exhaled essence and qi, stood upright on their own and kept their spirit well-guarded, and had flesh that was as if One/resembled the One. Therefore they were able to live so long as to wear Heaven and Earth ragged, without a time of ending. This was their life in the Dao.

  At the time of mid-antiquity, there were Accomplished Persons. Their virtue undiluted and their Dao intact, they were in harmony with yin and yang and attuned to the four seasons. Having left behind the world of ordinary mortals, they collected essence and kept their spirit complete, traveled freely in the space between Heaven and Earth, and were able to see and hear beyond the far reaches of the Eight Directions. This, then, was how they must have increased their lifespan and become strong. In that case?, they can also be counted among the Perfected People.

  On the next lower level after these there were the Sages, who resided in harmony with Heaven and Earth and followed the ordering principle of the Eight Winds. Adapting their preferences and desires to life among the common people, they carried no grudges or anger in their heart. In their actions, they did not want to distance themselves from the world, and in the clothing and adornments they wore, as well as in their activities, they did not want to be looked up to by the common people. On the outside, they did not tax the body in their work, and on the inside, they did not worry themselves with preoccupied thinking. They handled their responsibilities with calm contentment and achieved results with self-satisfaction. Their physical body and limbs did not get worn out, their essence spirit did not get scattered, and hence there were thereby also able to live for a hundred years.

  Lower than these again are the Paragons of Virtue. Taking Heaven and Earth as their model, imitating the role of the sun and the moon, they differentiated and arranged in order the stars and heavenly time markers, greeted the arrival and followed the departure of yin and yang, and distinguished between the four seasons. Wanting to follow [the example of the Perfected Persons in] Remote Antiquity, they were in complete unity and accord with the Dao and were thereby also able to increase their lifespan and yet they had a limit in their time. [6] [23]

  The people described in this section realized the excellence of life harmonized with TAO, the ki of universe. By learning the truth from this, instead of taking it as a mere legend, we can find the charter of Yosei to maintain the healthy life for modern human being.

5. Viability and civilization of humanity

  Mankind has survived any natural disasters, cold weathering, global warming, etc. even when there was no ritual of civilization to minimize the impact of the harsh environment on the human body. We must remember that we inherited the power and experiences of our ancestors who survived the hard times in our DNA.

  Our life is protected by contemporary civilization. Air conditioning makes our lives comfortable. These functions would support elderly people who live through the warming environment. But in principle, we have to maintain our natural healing power to make our life happy and healthy even in this convenient environment. What human being should do is to return to the life that follows TAO by practicing ki training to regain the natural healing power. We believe this is the best solution.

  The life with various tools to support and make the aged people’s life convenient is good in one way. But on the other hand, we must understand that the progress of science and technology will not enhance the natural healing power of human beings. The more the science and technology complement our inconvenience and disability, our natural physical power and viability will be weakened. We must not forget about this fact.

  It is time that human being should realize the most important point of our life is the balance of Yin and Yang, or the harmony of science and natural ability of mankind. Nobody wants to deny science entirely today. We can use robots and other equipment based on scientific technology to compensate for the lack of physical ability, and that is grateful itself. But we have to consider how we can extend the period of life in good health of our own body, without any support of auxiliary tools.

6. Human ability is maintained because of inconvenience

  We have to be aware of the fact that the human body may be weakened and lose various abilities by nature when we rely everything on science and technology. Because there are inconvenient matters, human beings have made many efforts and the physical ability was strengthened.

  For example, Maasai people in Africa, their sights are around 6.0 to 7.0. Some of them have as well as 10.0. They are able to find animals to hunt clearly from 1 kilometers away without binoculars. Their sight is considered to be the result of everyday habit to survive in vast savanna. Even Maasai, those who live in the cities do not have such good sight. It was introduced in Japan with surprise.

  This is a proof that human’s body will adopt and improve only in the environment where it is not easy to survive.


7. Return to TAO

  In the ancient China, TAO was recognized and being studied in the advanced level. The studies included various rejuvenation methods to realize never retire life. Even though we live in the modernized environment, rejuvenation is possible by ki training and Yosei methods of TAO that regain the natural (Mui-Shizen) status of the body, reactivate natural healing power, and as the result, regain youth of the body against the normal timeline. These methods are the heritage of human being that restore power to the weakened people, harmonize with nature, and live along with the Universe. It is important to revive the methods and educate people.

  Once people are born, they surely die someday. We should not abhor or be afraid of the death. The key to make your life bright, happy and never retire is to live own life utmost in every moment until the end.

  Ki-training of TAO and the Yosei methods will improve the health condition in short term to improve the quality of life. It is very simple, and easy to learn even for aged people. It does not need any equipment or facilities, and can be done anywhere. It is the ideal methods to realize never retire life in aging society.

Chapter 2 TAO will extend the healthy life period
1.  Japan, the best of healthy aged society in the world

  In 2000, WHO has advocated the concept of Health expectancy, or Healthy Life Expectancy (HLE). It is the expected years of life for a person who is able to live an independent life, maintaining health condition both physically and mentally, with no need of support for everyday matters, continuous medical care or treatment.

  To understand the situation of never retire life, the data from WHO World Health Statics 2016 is useful. Japan has entered the aging society as the top, but at the same time, HLE of Japan is 74.9 years old which is the best in the world. [7][8] This is a wonderful finding. (Fig.3 WHO Healthy life expectancy (HALE) Country Ranking) Also, we have to know that this 74.9 year old does not count the elderly people who need long-term care. In Japan, 23% of over 75 years old need long-term care. This means, 77% of that age do not need any special care and living healthy lives, but of course with minimum support from their family.

2. A warning to dementia

  We cannot still deny the serious problem due to the aging society. For the elderly, dementia is a serious barrier to continue normal life by own in later years. World Alzheimer Report 2015 by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) [9] was published. The report was researched and authored by Prof Martin Prince and others on behalf of the Global Observatory for Ageing and Dementia Care which is hosted at the Health Service and Population Research Department, King’s College London.

  There are 9.9 million people who are diagnosed as dementia in the world per year, which is one person in 3.2 seconds. The number of dementia patients is estimated as 46.8 million in 2015, and it will increase to 74.7 million by 2030, 131.5 million by 2050.

  As many as 4.9 million people have been newly diagnosed as dementia in Asia, including Japan, and it is 49% of the world. It will be grateful for any comments from the authorities here about this fact. Next to Asia is Europe, 2.5 million (25%), North America, 1.7 million(18%) and Africa 0.8 million(8%).   What makes the dementia the most difficult disease is that the patients lose the ability to hold their own life. It is not possible for them to realize never retire life. The cost and hardship of the people who care the patients are beyond our imagination. The patients and care givers are both rapidly increasing in the society.

  We see the cause of dementia is the stagnated ki flow. By accelerating the ki flow of body and mind and following the rhythm of nature, dementia should be prevented. And this is why ki training is important. Ki training can improve the symptom as well as prevent dementia before developing. It is important to practice ki training while young to keep the body and mind in natural status and avoid relying too much on the civilization's rituals. TAO life, the way of living with TAO is essential for human beings. 

3.  Learn and practice Yosei theory in youth

  Once the people get to middle age, the major topics become about diseases and complaints of their health. Each has some experiences to share about pain, examinations, doctors’ consultation and even surgeries. Juvenile Alzheimer's disease is also well known these days as 37.8 thousand patients are reported in Japan.

  The Juvenile Dementia is also the critical issue in the society to be addressed.
  Professor Dr. Manfred Spitzer, a German psychiatrist, psychologist and neuroscientist reported in his book about the negative effects in learning ability caused by digital devices. [11]
  He says the digital devices such as smartphone, PC and the internet may decrease the level of information processing when people do the researches and studies on the topic they are interested.

  Digitalizing classrooms can have a negative effect in reading, concentrating and calculating. This is called digital dementia, which will damage the abilities of human beings and impede the development of the brain of young children. The possibility that psychological disorders may cause Alzheimer disease is described, too. The younger generation who are addict to digital media and the internet need to be aware the danger. Unless the users understand that they have to use and control the information they get from media and the Internet, the psychological activities will decline in the future. This is another reason that returning to TAO, Mui-Shizen style is the urgent topic for all human being.

  The members of Doke Dogakuin are rare to develop serious health problems as they train themselves every day. They often feel grateful for the ki training when they hear about the people who are suffering illness. In fact, many people are not healthy even in youth. Ki training is more valuable if it is learned by young generation. It is more effective to start ki training while you are young and healthy so that the never retire life become possible. 

4. Two out of five will be elderly

  If the forecast of aging society mentioned before (Figure 2) is correct, 40% of the population in Japan will be over 65 years old. This means two out of five are senior citizens. The younger generations were grown in economic boom after the war, when the material wealth improved. The industrial development to enhance the country power was the main focus in education, while the moral and ethics were left behind. They have not been educated about filial piety like the older generations. It is the time that the senior citizens must stay healthy, be active, take part of the society and never retire until the end, not expecting to be cared by their children. For elderly, in order to be supportive and cooperative with youth and realize happy, fulfilled life, they have to stay healthy.

Chapter 3 Doin, the best methods for elderly

  Many of the Doin methods originated in the ancient China are simple and easy to be learned by older people. One of the best classic is Bei Ji Qian Jin Fang (備急千金方) [12]. This medical book was written by Sun Si-Miao (孫思邈), the Taoist sage of medicine in Tang Dynasty.

  There are several records about his life length such as Book of Tang Fangjizhuan (『旧唐書』方技伝) and New Book of Tang Yinyizhuan (『新唐書』隠逸伝), but it is confirmed that he lived over 100 years old. As this book is considered to be published in his later years, there are many topics of Doin and Yosei for the elderly to enjoy the later days of the life. It is a great home medical book that we can learn and put in practice. [13][14][15] It is amazing that there are a lot to learn from the Taoist sage in the ancient time about the never retire life in this modern aging society.

  Nihon Dokan is providing support to the members, men and women of all ages, who are seeking for the way to achieve never retire life. The Lao-tsu’s thoughts are the charter of happy active life. In addition to Lao-tsu, they study Huangdi Neijing (黄帝内経) and Qian Jin Fang (千金方) to realize happy fruitful life in good health. The Wellness Course, a program focused on the never retire life has started since 2016 summer.

1.  The teaching of Bei Ji Qian Jin Fang

  I would like to introduce one of the theories from Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (備急千金要方: Essential prescriptions worth a thousand in gold for every emergency), Chapter 27 about Yosei. Ju chu fa (居処法: the rules of living) gives us various Do’s and Don’ts of everyday life. It says; Reset your ki condition and supple everyday by Doin and Anma (按摩). You should never forget or skip this practice even when you are in good health to protect yourself from illnesses and injuries. Clearly, Doin and Anma are recommended.

  This chapter also refers to Anma Methods from Tianzhu (天竺国按摩法) and Anma Methods of Lao-tsu (老子按摩法).

  In the following section about breath controlling method, there is a description about long life.
  Peng Zu (彭祖) says, Tao is not the method to make your life complicated. If you do not think about food, clothing, entertainment, competition, justice, wealth or fame, and remove any troubles in mind and continue practicing Doin methods, you can live for a thousand years. Yet, a human being will not stop thinking, this has to be continued in patience.

  The long life is possible by keeping your life simple, being free from profit, status or honor, living in Mui-Shizen life and exercising Doin every day.

  The book contains many instructions regarding food, natural medicine, receipts for health in daily life. It is a great home medicine book, not only the technical textbook of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

(1) Qian Jin Fang Introduction to Japan [12]

  The oldest record of Qian Jin Fang (千金方, Essential prescriptions worth a thousand in gold for every emergency) in Japan is in Nihonkoku Kenzaisyomokuroku (日本国見在書目録, 891~897) by Fujiwara no Sukeyo (847 – 897). Qian Jin Fang is the most referred book in Japan such as Ishimpo (医心方), the oldest medical textbook in Japan, Shobyogenkoron (諸病原候論), and many others all through the history until Edo period.
  In Kokonyojoroku (古今養性録) by Takenaka Tsuan in Edo period, Lao-tsu Anma methods are explained. We would like to introduce the instruction of Lao-tsu Anma methods.

(2) Kokonyojoroku (古今養性録) by Takenaka Tsuan, 1692 [16]

  The Edo period in Japan is the peaceful reign by Tokugawa government. Though the country was isolated, Tokugawa Ieyasu was very interested in health and medicine, especially in Yosei theory. He prepared herbal medicine himself. Medical textbooks from China are imported, studied and tried in practice.

  Kokonyojoroku Volume 15 by Takenaka Tsuan listed 110 doctors and 554 books. In Doin volume that Nihon Dokan owns, there is an explanation about Doin. “Doin and Anma came from China. I’ve tried myself, and found no harm. I can do it while travelling, without any support of others, anytime of the day. It will cure the illness by itself without medicine. Isn’t it the precious treasure? Unfortunately, there are not many textbooks or references to study. Verbal instructions are not available like in China. As I am providing medical service myself, I would like to share the list of references with my comments.”
  There are various Doin and Gyoki methods such as Peng Zu (彭祖), Li Nanfeng (李南豊), Li Laojun (李老君), Chao Yuanfang (巣氏), Chi Songzi (赤松子), Wuqinxi (華陀五禽戯), 21 courses of sitting exercise (坐功21術), Riroukun nadegoto no zu (李老君撫琴の図), Taiseisoshi sonshin no kata (太清祖師尊真の形), etc. [17]

(3) Doin in Bikyusenkinyoho (備急千金要方)

  I would like to introduce one of the example of Anma and Doin method from Bikyusenkinyoho by Son Shibaku (孫真人備急千金要方〈1588年萬暦戌子序、1659年萬治2〉), one of our collection.

A. Anma Methods from Tianzhu (Baramon method) 天竺国の按摩方(婆羅門法)

兩手相捉紐捩如洗手法… 兩手相重按䏶徐徐捩身左右同

Hold both hands together and squeeze fingers
Put both hands on the stomach and twist the body gently to right and left

  It says these simple exercises are very effective. “18 exercises will be effective if you practice three times a day. In a month, any illness will be cured even for elderlies. You will feel your body light and healthy. You can run as a horse, with good appetite and clear sight, less tired and eventually live longer.”
  The Doin methods that are suitable for elderlies.

B. Anma Methods of Lao-tsu (老子按摩法)

兩手捺䏶左右捩身二七徧 … 摩紐指三徧

Put both hands on the stomach and twist the body gently to right and left for 14 times

Squeeze and rub your fingers three times

  These are also simple and easy to do.

C. Doin of Lao-tsu

  A few more Doin methods from the collection of Nihon Dokan, Doin of Lao-tsu (1787) [18].

Twelve steps of Doko
★Tapping teeth (叩歯) Tap the teeth for 36 times

★Swallowing saliva (嚥津) Move the tongue to accumulate saliva, then swallow at once making a noise

★Rubbing face (浴面) Rub both hands together, then rub the face carefully

★★Snapping Tenko (鳴天鼓) Cover both ears by hands,
snapping middle finger by forefinger to snap behind the ears for 24 times. This will cure the illness in the brain.

  The last one, snapping tenko is good for rejuvenating brain that we teach this Wellness course in Doke Dogakuin. Everyone is happy for the effect, especially it clears their brain after the long work with PC. One of the members who has brain tumor practiced this Doin together with some other simple ones, and reported the symptom is stable and he feels much better than before.

2.Never retire life in Zhuangzi

  Lao-tsu Tao Te Ching is the origin of the philosophy of Taoism, and Zhuangzi is also full of wisdom.
  Zhuangzi, Yosei volume Chapter 3 [19]


  It explains the danger of seeking for the limitless by the limited. Our life is limited, and it is dangerous if we use all the power we have both in body and mind. If you keep your mind busy and restless, your body will be exhausted, thus you will destroy yourself. If you do not worry about what is good or bad and stay in the middle where the balance of Yin and Yang is stable, you will be in safe and complete your life in full length with no problems. This is exactly the never retire life.

  In order to live happy, never retire life, it is very important to maintain and train your mind, as Zhuangzi explained. Also in Lao-tsu Chapter 10, it is said that by taking good care of your ki and trying to be as flexible like a baby, you can achieve the never retire life. Being young means being soft and flexible in both body and mind.

3.Teaching of Lao-tsu

  I would like to refer to Lao-tsu Tao Te Ching, Chapter 10 [20], for the reference that describes about ki and the tenderness of an infant. This is also the important chapter about Yosei and Doin.

Qianjinfang Chapter 10
In holding the soul and embracing oneness Can one be steadfast, without straying? In concentrating the energy and reaching relaxation Can one be like an infant? [22]

  This chapter explains the importance of ki and flexibility. Holding the mind and body together in balance means to live Mui-Shizen style, staying in the way of heaven. By caring ki as the universal energy, live flexible as an infant. This is indeed the Yosei theory to live the never retire life [21].

  Modern people should learn more from Lao-tsu and Zhuangzi, and put Doin in practice. We, as Taoists, have to study and maintain the wisdom from the ancient China such as Lao-tsu, Zhuangzi and Qian Jin Fang. It is our mission to share the treasure of human being, the life with TAO, the TAOLife with the people of the world. 

4.What we learn from Grand Master Myozui’s departure to the heaven

  On February 6th, 2017, Grand Master Myozui Hayashima, President of Japan Taoism Association, Grand Master of Nihon Dokan, completed her 90 years life in this world. Until the last moment, she devoted her life to spreading Taoism, travelling around Japan to give us lectures. She trained herself in Buddhism as well. As her attendant in the last stage of her life in this world, I have witnessed the truth of TAO, as is said in Zhuangzi, the death is a natural phenomenon. It is one of events through Mui-Shizen life, so the pupils should not grieve and moan. Her life is the best evidence of never retire life, the complete life with the flesh. Her body was as beautiful and peaceful as when she was alive. She was performing her best in teaching as well as training herself. Literally, she was using everything she was given to live the life. She taught us what is the best never retire life by demonstrating it. She was able to devote herself in her mission of life, never stuck in bed until the last day. It was the genuine life with TAO.

  After her departure, there was only determined hope among the members to learn from her life and continue our training instead of grief, loneliness and tears. She is the real master of Taoism. Her splendid life is the real example of natural and positive life, the way of Mui-Shizen life.

  I would like to express my appreciation to the admirable life of Grand Master Myozui Hayashima, and promise to continue making my best endeavor to promote Taoism to the world, together with the Taoists in the world, for the happiness of the human being’s future. 


一般財団法人 日本タオイズム協会
Japan Taoism Association 


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